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Onuge Personal Care (Guangdong) Manufacturer Group Co., LTD.
Belangrijkste producten:Tanden Whitening Strips/Tanden Whitening Kits/Tanden Whitening Gel/Tanden Whitening Poeder/Tanden Whitening Pen
Gerangschikt op nr.1 tijdige levering in TandenbleekpenGlobal export expertisePatents awarded (7)Suppliers fortune 500 companiesR&D capabilities

Selected style
The seller provides product style, material, craftsmanship, etc.
Send enquiry
Buyers consult by mail, TradeManager, Skype, etc.
Seller's offer
The seller quotes according to the product quantity specification
R & D design / proofing
The seller makes samples according to the needs of the manuscript
Buyer confirms sample
Make sure the styles, colors, etc. match
Place an order/pay a deposit
The buyer confirms the order and pays 50%-60% deposit
Seller produces bulk
According to demand, complete in the agreed cycle
Confirm the buyer's delivery address and contact logistics for delivery
Buyer's acceptance
The buyer signs for the goods and pays the balance